Accountability and public reporting

Being one of Canada’s foremost mental health care and academic health science centres means ensuring that each patient receives the highest quality and safest care possible. Explore the ways we pursue quality, and learn more about our accountability to those we serve.
The Royal recognizes and respects the diversity of our patients, visitors, and staff. We serve a growing community of unique individuals and welcome the involvement of all in our organization. We continually strive to identify and remove barriers that could prevent a person with disabilities from fully accessing our sites, programs and services. This is supported in our policies and procedures as well as among our leadership and education practices. All staff and volunteers at The Royal have been educated on how to provide respectful and accessible client service. Our aim is to offer an inclusive environment where all feel welcome and can receive equal access to care, services, and education.
Assistive devices, service animals and support people – People using assistive devices, service animals, and support people are welcomed and supported in our environment. All staff at The Royal receives training on how to interact with individuals with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or a support person. In addition, individuals admitted to The Royal’s inpatient programs/units will be assessed to determine if there is a need for additional equipment, aids and/or support requirements.
Accessible formats and communications supports - The Royal is committed to providing documents in the preferred accessible formats for persons with disabilities and will respond to requests for accessible formats promptly and to the best of our abilities. A formal request for any document in a particular accessible format or other communication supports (i.e. sign language interpretation) can be made by and/or to any staff member.
Site Accessibility - All of The Royal’s facilities are fully accessible with accessible entrances, washrooms, elevators, and parking that are clearly marked.
Notices of Temporary Disruption - Any pre-planned interruptions to entrances, access roads, elevating devices or accessible washrooms will be posted on The Royal’s website to provide public notification. Signs will be placed at the interruption site indicating alternate accessible options.
Unexpected disruptions, or disruptions where it is too difficult to post a notice on the website, will be handled with signs and/or The Royal staff or volunteers who will provide alternate directions as required. The person providing the alternate directions should be able to communicate the nature of the outage and expected duration, whenever possible. The Royal will try to ensure that multiple accessible service disruptions do not occur at the same time.
In 2010, the Government passed the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act which requires hospitals to publicly post any expense claims made by hospital executives and Board Members, effective November 30, 2011.
The Royal has embraced this requirement. We believe that it is a reasonable way to promote public confidence in our management of taxpayer money and it is consistent with the policies that already apply to senior leaders in government and other broader public sector organizations.
Hospitals, like many other complex businesses, may have executives who incur business-related expenses from time to time that are permissible and should be reimbursed. Business-related expenses identified by the government for public reporting typically fall under three categories: meals, travel and hospitality.
The Royal has a well-developed policy related to business-related expenses incurred by our staff.
Click here to view a report on The Royal's Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions for 2019.
The Royal has a comprehensive performance management program in place for all its employees, including the Executive Management Team.
Each year the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer and Vice-Presidents set targets for performance indicators in addition to individual program objectives that are aligned to The Royal’s Strategic Plan. Each Executive is responsible for meeting these goals.
The Executive team members are evaluated on their ability to meet these objectives and goals.
All Executive team members report to the Chief Operating Officer (CEO), who is accountable for determining executive’s total compensation. Compensation for the Executive team is determined based on the Executive member achieving performance indicator targets and individual program objectives. Consistent with government legislation, a percentage of the incentive pay is linked to The Royal’s Quality Improvement Plan.
The CEO reports to The Royal’s Board of Trustees. A Board committee determines the total compensation of the CEO by evaluating their ability to meet objectives on a wide range of performance goals, which are established by the hospital’s Board of Trustees.
All Executive compensation is established and maintained in accordance to the Broader Public Sector Executive Compensation Act.
Below are Components of Executive Compensation. Individual contracts can be found here.
Compensation Component |
Explanation |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer |
Vice-Presidents |
Compensation (Salary) |
Compensation is determined through performance objectives and is comparable to salaries of peer Ontario Hospitals |
$330,000.00 |
$260,800.00 |
$169,650.00 $170,600.00 |
Compensation at Risk |
Each year a portion of the Executive salary is considered at risk and measured against agreed to objectives |
15% |
10% |
10% |
Car Allowance |
An annual allowance is paid to the CEO to offset the costs of business related expenses. The Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer and the Vice-Presidents are paid a per diem for business use of personal cars. |
$15,000 |
0.45 cents/km (applicable to all staff) for business use of personal car. |
0.45 cents/km (applicable to all staff) for business use of personal car |
Benefit Plans |
All Executives receive a benefits package that is equivalent to the benefits package applicable to all employees of The Royal. |
Pension Plan |
All Executives participate in the Hospital of Ontario Pension Plan. |
Hospital Service Accountability Agreements (H-SAAs) are tools to help clarify expectations, facilitate the assessment of performance and improve processes and policies in both hospitals and the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.
The H-SAA reflects a commitment to joint planning and negotiation, collaborative problem-solving and continuous improvement. It is a flexible document that will adjust as hospitals and the health-care system change.
At the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Care Group, patient safety is a top priority. In order to help keep patients safe, we aim to reduce the spread of communicable diseases and hospital-acquired infections. The Infection Prevention and Control Program at The Royal is developed using evidence-based practices and procedures. It involves many aspects of keeping patients, staff and visitors safe including the surveillance of infectious diseases, hand hygiene, education, communication, and monitoring outbreaks. We strive to prevent and reduce the spread of infections between health care workers, patients, and visitors.
Our Infection Control staff are active in programs to reduce the spread of communicable diseases and hospital-acquired infections and to provide education to staff, visitors and patients on these topics. To make sure we keep track of infections and to ensure our rates of infection stay low, we have a program to monitor infection rates. Our ultimate goal is to keep our patients safe, and provide excellent care to all who need our services.
As of 2010, The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care requires Ontario Hospitals to publicly report on nine patient safety indicators. The Royal Ottawa Mental Health Care Group report on the following indicators:
Please visit our Infection Prevention & Control webpage to view our public reporting.
For more information on Patient Safety Indicator results at Health Quality Ontario, please click here.
Ontario’s four specialty mental health hospitals have developed an innovative and standardized approach to measure critical performance indicators of mental health care. The mental health indicators represent performance in key areas including client complexity, client outcomes, client access, staff safety, human resources, fiscal responsibility and client safety.
This common approach allows each organization to measure its outcomes, quality, safety and fiscal responsibilities as a public hospital and share this information with the community in a way that is consistent for all mental health care facilities in Ontario.
Participating organizations are: The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences (Ontario Shores), Royal Ottawa Mental Health Group (The Royal) and Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care (Waypoint).
The Royal places a high value on the privacy, confidentiality and security of each patient’s personal health information.
With this in mind, we follow the Government of Ontario’s Health Information Protection Act well as follow our own strict policies regarding the collection, use and disclosure of information about our patients.
For additional information on patient privacy and rights, you can consult the following resources:
The Royal Ottawa Health Care Group (ROHCG) consisting of Ottawa and Brockville sites is committed to an open and transparent procurement process as defined by the Broader Public Sector (BPS) Procurement Directive, issued by the BPS Supply Chain Secretariat, a division of the Ontario Ministry of Finance. It is the responsibility of all Vendors to actively seek information on websites below where the hospital will post opportunities as they utilize best and leading practices to effectively leverage its purchasing power through participation in various buying groups. The Hospital will not identify these opportunities to individual Vendors. is an online portal that connects vendors providing various goods and services to buyers from the Provincial, Municipal, Education, Crown Corporation, Housing, Construction, Healthcare and Private sectors from across Canada. All current bids for The Royal Ottawa Health Care Group can be found on-line at Biddingo. The hospital will post any and all competitive bid documents on this site for Vendors to have the opportunity to submit a proposal.
The St. Joseph’s Health System, Group Purchasing Organization (SJHS-GPO), which originated in 1992, has grown to become a National group that works together with healthcare facilities, manufacturers and distributors to create effective purchasing opportunities. The St. Joseph's Health System Group Purchasing Organization consists of a Capital Group and Food & Nutrition Group. The Capital Group includes membership of over 160 healthcare facilities across Canada, including British Columbia, Ontario and Nova Scotia. The membership is comprised of academic health centres, community hospitals and long term care facilities. Of these, 131 facilities are located throughout the Province of Ontario. With the adoption of integrated supply-chain management the SJHS-GPO has been approached to deliver customized Capital acquisition processes to a wide variety of member organizations and externally to organizations ranging from government bodies (federal and provincial) to large academic health centres, rural community hospitals and long term care facilities, which have resulted in overall success.
HealthPRO is Canada’s healthcare group purchasing organization. Founded in 1996, HealthPRO is invested in Canada’s healthcare system by advancing the purchasing interests of hospitals, provincial and shared service organizations (SSOs) from coast to coast to coast. With more than 260 members representing over 800 healthcare facilities across seven provinces and the territories, HealthPRO brings together the most significant purchasing power ever assembled within Canada’s healthcare system. Together, these national collective efforts save members hundreds of millions of dollars that can be directed where it is needed most – to frontline patient care.
With offices in Vancouver, Edmonton, Regina, Mississauga and Halifax, HealthPRO provides member support and knowledge sharing across the broadest possible range of operational areas including: Pharmacy, Clinical, Nutritional & Food and Support Services as well as Clinical Specialties, Energy Management and On-site Managed Services.
HealthPRO also facilitates peer-to-peer support and knowledge sharing through national committees that direct the organization’s work within each of its core service areas.
Owned by and responsible to its member shareholders, HealthPRO offers a comprehensive range of product and service contracts and a benchmark product evaluation process.
View The Royal Ottawa Health Care Group Supply Chain Code of Ethics.
View The Royal's 2022 Public Sector Salary Disclosure (PSSD).
The Excellent Care for All Act, which came into effect in June of 2010, included a requirement that all hospitals create and make public annual Quality Improvement Plans. All hospitals in Ontario are now required to develop quality initiatives and make measurable improvements in the areas of Safety, Effectiveness, Access and Patient-Centredness.
We at The Royal take quality improvement very seriously and are committed to achieving the targets that we set for our organization based on our mission of delivering excellence in specialized mental health care, advocacy, research and education. Reporting on our progress is one the ways that we hold ourselves accountable to our stakeholders and acknowledge our progress as we continue on our quality improvement journey.