Breaking – and baking – bread with clients and staff

Kevin Patrick was a client in the Recovery Program for 14 months two years ago. Patrick and one of the nurses, Elizabeth Heubner, often chatted about baking homemade bread but he never quite expected their conversation to become a hands-on demonstration.
“As I was getting ready for my discharge she came one Saturday and said ‘get ready for a surprise,’” describes Patrick. It was indeed a surprise!
“She came in, hours before her work started, and taught me how to make homemade bread,” recalls Patrick, adding that she brought all the tools and ingredients needed (including butter to slather each slice after the loaves came out of the oven). She even typed the recipe out for Patrick to keep.
They made four loaves of bread together and shared them with staff and clients. The impact of the impromptu bread making session has stayed with Patrick until this day.
“I still have that recipe, and every few months I make bread. And all because of the Recovery Program, and Elizabeth.”
Cover with towel and let rise approximately two hours or double in size.
Cut in half and knead each half, return to bowl and cover.
When doubled in size, cut each half into half. Knead each quarter of dough, shape roughly into a loaf and place in loaf pans. Cover with towels until loaves rise to desired height.
Bake at 325 degrees for 25 – 30 minutes.
Remove bread from pans after taking out of oven.