Consent and capacity in a mental health setting
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As a family member or caregiver, we understand that your loved one’s mental health or substance use health can have a significant impact on you. The Royal’s family information events are intended for family members or caregivers of individuals with a mental health or substance use health issue. These events are an opportunity to learn from our experts, find out about available resources, and connect with others who share a similar experience. There is no cost to participate but registration is required. Please note, this session is for Ontario residents only.
Elizabeth Hughes,
Patient advocate, Ministry of Health,
Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office, Emergency Health Services Division
Elizabeth Hughes is a patient advocate with the Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office at the Brockville Mental Health Centre (BMHC). Elizabeth has over 15 years of experience in the mental health field, promoting and protecting the legal, civil, and human rights of clients at BMHC. This office provides rights advice and advocacy in nine psychiatric facilities in Ontario and engages regularly with substitute decision-makers through the provision of rights advice, as per the Mental Health Act.
Join us for an enlightening session about consent and capacity in a mental health setting. Discover the answers to important questions such as: What counts as treatment? What does informed consent really involve? We'll dive into the differences between capacity and incapacity, the critical role of substitute decision-makers (SDMs), the responsibilities of health practitioners, and the vital support provided by rights advisers. This presentation is an opportunity to gain a better understanding of these essential topics and learn how they impact healthcare decisions.
Tuesday, May 6, 2025
6-7:30 p.m. on Zoom
This session is free, however registration is required.
To register, please click here.
For more information email