Forensic Outpatient Groups

Please note that these groups are only available to clients of The Royal's forensic program.

Forensic Outpatient Groups


Mondays - 1:30 to 2:30 PM

This group will review concepts and teach a variety of methods for practicing Mindfulness. Most of the group time will be spent practicing guided mindfulness exercises together.

Creative Connections

Wednesdays - 11:15 AM
Grytsje and Laura

In this group, both creative writing and photography techniques will be explored. The group will combine time for sharing our work, along with time for facilitated exercises. If you are not on this list, but would like to join us, please email Grytsje and Laura.

Creative Space

Wednesdays - 1 to 3 PM
with Alexis from OAG

Join in on in person on Wednesdays at 1pm for this Creative Workshop hosted by Alexis from the Ottawa Art Gallery. Please let Cindy Vanderhoek, RT know if you want to join!


Thursdays - 11:15 AM to 12:15 PM
Grytsje and Katie

The purpose of this open, semi-structured group is to introduce and experience new tools to build resilience and reduce emotional suffering. We will practice a variety of easy-to-implement coping strategies together, that can be applied at home. We will also explore a variety of ways to increase our self-awareness of stress to better navigate challenging situations that life can throw our way. Please let Katie or Grytsje know if you would like to be added to the list. 

Concurrent Disorders (CD)

Mondays - 11:15 AM to 12:15 PM
Heather P. and Margaret

Cooking Group

Wednesdays - 10 AM to 1 PM
Anie and Paula

This group offers clients an opportunity to learn to prepare easy, healthy and budget friendly recipes.   Different life skills are explored through the use of this meaningful activity such as meal planning, grocery planning and shopping, budgeting, healthy meal preparation, healthy portion, food safety knowledge and application etc.

Computer Group

Wednesdays - 1 to 3 PM
Anie and Paula

Clients have an opportunity to improve their functional skills through targeted goals while engaging in a meaningful activity.  Clients wanting to learn or improve computer skills, engage in a meaningful activity to target a functional skill and/or receive support for educational goals can meet their goals in this group.  

Weekly Wellness

Thursdays - 1:30 to 3 PM
Margaret, Katie & Christina


Tuesdays - 10 to 11 AM
Thursdays - 10:15 to 11 AM

Join Ashley in the gym for exercise using your body, weights and work out machines. Please contact Ashley to join.

Brain It On!

Fridays - 2 to 3PM
Anie and Paula

Do you feel like you are not stimulating your brain enough or do enjoy games and activities that get your brain going?  If so, please consider joining the Brain It On Zoom group.  Please let us know if you would be interested in joining us for some fun and laughs!  

Adult Interests Group

Monday - 9 to 10:30 AM
Heather Tarnai-Feely

For people who want to change their sexual interests from minors to adult sexual interests.

Resilience Group

Mondays - 10:30 to 11:30 AM
Heather Tarnai-Feely

For people who deal with stress/passed trauma and who have sexual behavioural problems.

Mood and Anxiety Group

Tuesdays - 3 to 4:30 PM
Heather Tarnai-Feely and Dr. Fedoroff

For people who have mood disorders and who have sexual behavioural problems.

Social Skills Group

Tuesdays - 4:30 to 6:00 PM
Heather Tarnai-Feely and Dr. Fedoroff

For people who want to work on their social skills and who have sexual behavioural problems.

Adult Interests Group 

Mondays - 9 to 10:30 AM
Tuesdays - 6:00 to 7:30 PM 
Heather Tarnai-Feely and Dr. Fedoroff  

For people who want to change their sexual interests from minors to adult sexual interests.

Friends and Family Group 

Every last Thursday of the month – every 3 months; Next session April 21, 2022 at 6:00 PM

For patients of the Sexual Behaviours Clinic to invite and bring along adult friends and family to the group for support and open discussion.

Click here to view the April's calendar.