Shortly after the COVID-19 pandemic hit, I was sitting in my office one afternoon, meeting with a patient online, when they asked, “Dr. Beck, am I going to be able to finish high school?”

Like many of us, teens are frightened by the virus, but their worries have shifted to their future and all of the unknowns that come with a pandemic. Most of the youth whom I work with know that education is key to better jobs and a better life, but they – and their parents – are nervous and unsure about how their school year will be affected.

For teens who are already living with a mental illness, who have been both physically and socially distancing from their friends and families for months, this adjustment could be debilitating.

I know how hard my patients work to be and stay well. The best thing about being a psychiatrist for youth is that I watch many of my patients grow up to be happy and successful. 

It’s because of the kindness of our donors that they are given the opportunity to succeed in life. They still have so many years left to live their best lives, and with continued support, we can ensure they soar to greater heights, reaching their life goals, and becoming the person they are meant to be.


Signature de Gail Beck

Dr. Gail Beck
Clinical director, youth mental health
The Royal


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