For more than a century, The Royal has been dedicated to caring for families and people. That has made us who we are today. It’s not the years that count, it’s the lives made better that matter most to us. 

We’re driven and motivated by our common goal of helping people who suffer from mental illness and addictions. Our passion is to help them get better, faster – through innovative treatment, early intervention and strategies for prevention. 

Every year, thousands of people come to The Royal for help and hope. Our community is reaching out in larger numbers. More frequently. More urgently. With hope. 

Caring for every person and every family who reaches out to us depends on us. People count on us.  Our clients reclaim their best lives and build hope for the future – every day because of the work we do.  And because of the people that support our work and mission. Because of you.

We are driven by what could be, what should be, what will be.

Our innovation and technology reduce barriers and bring care to people wherever they are. Access matters to those who struggle.

At The Royal, we will never tire in searching for new and better treatment. New ways to change lives. New ways to bring hope. 

I invite you to get involved and join us as we work to transform access to mental health care.

Mitchell Bellman
Mitchell Bellman

Mitchell Bellman
President & CEO
Royal Ottawa Foundation for Mental Health



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