Largest community golf tournament in Foundation history

The Parent family of Ottawa turned their personal tragedy into a mission to raise half a million dollars for suicide prevention research., Ken and Ellen Parent and Rob Hill were instrumental in creating the inaugural Inspirational Golf Classic at the Rideau View Golf Club in support of mental health.  This tournament is dedicated to the memory of Ryan Parent, son of Ken and Ellen Parent, who died by suicide on November 22nd, 2017, succumbing to his battle with mental illness. This tournament raised $90,000 – making it the largest community golf tournament in the history of the Royal Ottawa Foundation.

"We are proud that Ryan’s legacy will save lives in the near future."“The success of the 2018 Inspirational Golf Classic indicates that suicide prevention research resonates with the community. We are so proud of our Rideau View family and friends who contributed to the tournaments success. We are proud that Ryan’s legacy will save lives in the near future,” says Ken Parent.