Why we need you

What would you do if there were a way to improve these odds? To use groundbreaking research to inform life-changing care for those who need it? To support care that would change the trajectory of someone's life? What would you do if there were a way you could save these lives?
Understanding depression and suicide is the only way to prevent it. Through the research, development, and implementation of prediction and prevention strategies, The Royal is creating a future where suicide-risk is detectable, and treatments are widely available for those who need them.
Complex issues such as depression and suicide require complex solutions. While the stigma associated with mental illness may be decreasing, those who seek help may not find effective care. To improve patient outcomes, The Royal has established two research centres where clients with difficult-to-treat depression can receive access to novel treatments that can change the trajectory of their lives.
A nasal form of ketamine that quickly alleviates symptoms of depression and suicidal thoughts. Learn more about esketamine here.
A non-invasive treatment targeting malfunctioning circuits in the brain. Learn more about rTMS here.
Suicide is the ultimate human cost of mental illness. With greater understanding of the biology of depression and suicide ideation, we can prevent it. However, we cannot do it alone.
Your support today can save lives. Now that you know, what will you do?
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