HealthyMinds App

Life as a student can be stressful - assignments, part-time jobs, sports, clubs, relationships, family responsibilities. In fact, during your years as a student, you will face some of the most intense pressures of any point in your life. Stress can take a toll on your mind, weighing you down and even making you ill, so it’s important to take action to stay healthy. That’s what HealthyMinds is all about. HealthyMinds is a problem-solving tool to help deal with emotions and cope with the stresses you encounter both on and off campus. The goal: Keeping your mind healthy. HealthyMinds was developed by The Royal thanks to a donation by DIFD. The Royal is one of Canada’s foremost mental health care and academic health science centres. Its mandate is simple: to help more people living with mental illness into recovery faster.
HealthyMinds is a great tool to track how you’re feeling and takes a proactive approach towards understanding how those feelings affect us daily.
The HealthyMinds app is a fantastic way to teach healthy thinking skills to young people that research has shown to help with depression.
1. Changing how we respond to stress and how we cope can keep you healthy. Studies prove it. Ask yourself:
2. Change how you see the stress. Look at ways to get a positive outcome.
3. Change how your body responds to stress. If you can’t change what you feel, try to bring down the stress. Realize you are stressed and do something good for yourself.
Self-talk can be positive ("I can do this" or "Things will work out") or negative ("I'll never get well" or "I'm so stupid").
Negative self-talk increases stress.
Negative: "I can't do this.” "Everything is going wrong." "I hate it when this happens."
Positive self-talk helps you calm down and control stress.
Positive: "I'll do the best I can.” "I can handle things if I take one step at a time.” "I know how to deal with this; I've done it before."
If you’re worried about what people might think or do if you tell them that you’re struggling, it might be helpful to consider speaking to someone who is trustworthy, but who has a bit more distance from your life than a friend or parent. Aunts, uncles, guidance counsellors, and teachers can be good candidates.
If you are thinking of telling someone about something you are struggling with but are afraid of how they will react, here are some tips about talking about tough stuff:
If you just don’t feel ready to talk to anyone about what you are going through, here are some other things you can do:
If you answered yes to some or all the questions, a good first step is to talk to your family doctor about these feelings. If you’re in a crisis, remember that you are not alone. Don’t keep these feelings to yourself. Reach out. Tell a trusted adult like a parent, aunt or uncle, teacher, coach or guidance counsellor.
Day or night, if you are at risk, you need to reach out. If you are in immediate danger, call 911. There are a number of local and confidential places to phone. No matter what the problem, you can talk to someone who understands and who wants to help you: