Media Statement: ONA Collective Agreement


The Royal has completed a skill mix review and made revisions to the scheduling for the different units within the Forensics Program to ensure we have the appropriate interdisciplinary skill balance for our patient care needs. This review included an analysis of data regarding client complexity, outcomes and staff safety as well as a staff survey to determine an appropriate combination of Registered Nurses (RNs) and Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs) and other professions.

As a result, the following changes to the staffing mix of RNs, RPNs and orderlies will be implemented:

  • There will be a reduction of 14.1 FTEs (Ottawa – 4.8 RNs, 1.4 orderlies; Brockville – 7.9 RNs)

  • There will be an increase of 18 FTEs (Ottawa – 7 RPNs; Brockville – 11 RPNs)

We are not expecting that this will result in any loss of RNs jobs. While this initiative involves reassignment of RNs, we are required by the ONA Collective Agreement to use ‘layoff’ language.

As a result of the ONA Collective Agreement “layoff’ language, it means we are required to offer early retirement to those eligible, voluntary exits and moves to vacant positions. Following a detailed analysis, we believe that at the end of the day, there are sufficient vacancies within the new schedule in the Forensic Program, or within other program areas of The Royal, to maintain employment for all impacted RN positions.

The Royal is dedicated to providing an environment that is healthy and safe for staff and that also meets the therapeutic needs of patients in a respectful and caring way. Our clients - people suffering from severe and complex mental illness and addictions - are a vulnerable population and they often come to us in very difficult circumstances. That is why all clinical staff (which includes both RNs and RPNs) receive the same safety training.

We understand this is a difficult process and we will do all we can to reduce the stress, including meeting with the individuals involved to fully explain the details of the process required by the collective agreement.