Our team at The Royal is committed to excellence and innovation in order to create better futures for all people living with mental health issues. Check out these award winners and successful research grants.
Awards and Grants, 2019-2020

Our team at The Royal is committed to excellence and innovation in order to create better futures for all people living with mental health issues. Check out these award winners and successful research grants.
Robyn McQuaid
The Royal's Inspiration award, young researcher category
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Glenda O’Hara
The Royal’s Inspiration Award, personal leader category
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Michael Seto
ATSA Lifetime Significant Achievement Award and Hebb Award for contributions to psychological science from the Canadian Psychological Association
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Sabina Franklyn (supervisors: Robyn McQuaid & Kim Matheson), Balmeet Toor (supervisor: Stuart Fogel), and Katie Vandeloo (supervisor: Jennifer Phillips)
2019 Graduate Research Student Awards
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Pierre Blier:
Mechanisms involved in triggering the rapid and sustained antidepressant effects of ketamine - CIHR Project grant (operating): $757,350; 5 years
Cliff Cassidy
Novel MRI tools tracking development change within the dopamine system in children and adults - NSERC Discovery grant (operating): $140,000, 5 years
Kim Corace:
Predicting hand hygiene behaviour among health care workers by implicit attitudes - Funding Sources: BC Children's Hospital Evidence to Innovation (E2i) Early Career Seed Grant, $9,966 CAD
Determining core outcomes for people with opioid use disorder: Informing clinical practice and research (2019 – 2021) - University of Ottawa Department of Psychiatry Research Grant: Research Award, $36,460 CAD [Other Principal Investigator(s): Hutton, B]
Scoping review of evidence regarding psychosocial and pharmacologic interventions for methamphetamine use disorder and problematic methamphetamine use: Planning and prioritizing future research (2020 – 2021) - Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Operating Grant: Methamphetamine and related psychostimulant use, $99,240 CAD [Other Principal Investigator(s): Hutton, B; Porath, A]
Synthia Guimond
Toward a Preventive Intervention for Youth at Familial High-risk of Developing Schizophrenia - NARSAD Young Investigator Grant (BBF), $70,000
Tanya Halsall
A developmental evaluation that applies a youth-driven approach to examine the implementation of the Icelandic Model for Primary Prevention of Substance Use (IMP) within a Canadian community - CIHR Fellowship: Patient-Oriented Research Awards - Transition to Leadership Stream - Phase 1, $150,000 for 2 years
Robyn McQuaid:
An examination of individual and community-level social factors and health outcomes associated with experiences in the child welfare system among indigenous peoples in Canada - CIHR Project grant (operating), $508,726 over 5 years (read more: https://www.theroyal.ca/research/news/early-career-imhr-scientist-secures-major-federal-grant-study-indigenous-health-and)
Georg Northoff:
“The self as agent-environment nexus: crossing disciplinary boundaries to help human selves and anticipate artificial selves” - Canada - UK Artificial Intelligence Initiative (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC): $520K, 4 years (read more: https://www.theroyal.ca/news/using-artificial-intelligence-gain-better-understanding-our-brains)
Rebecca Robillard, with Jodi Edwards (Heart institute);
CardiacDOC: Feasibility and validation of a unified screening tool for Depression Obstructive sleep apnea and Cognition (DOC) in cardiac clinics - ORACLE grant $50,000, 1 year (read more:
Sara Tremblay:
Enhancing neuroplasticity in the prefrontal cortex via noninvasive brain stimulation - NSERC Discovery grant (operating): $140,000, 5 years
Jianli Wang:
Predicting population risk of suicide using health administrative data - NFRF Exploration: $50,000, 2 years
Team DND IDEaS (Zachary Kaminsky, Rebecca Robillard, Jakov Shlik, Natalia Jaworska, Clifford Cassidy, Robyn McQuaid):
Identification and translation of a whole body biosignature to improve clinical management of PTSD subtypes – MAPS (Multi-dimensional assessment of PTSD subtypes) component 1b – Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS): $1,000,000