Evolving The Royal’s model of care

We at The Royal are all accountable for delivering excellent person and family-centred care based on the ever-evolving needs of the communities we serve. We must do this in a sustainable way within a health-care industry that is also constantly evolving. 

In the past several years, we have seen change in the clients we serve; they are coming to us with increasingly complex mental health issues including concurrent disorders, dual diagnoses, and other challenges that greatly impact the services they need. We are also seeing expectations for improved service provision and changes in the health human resources available to help us provide services.

With all of this in mind, The Royal has reviewed how we must evolve our model of care to better meet the changing needs of clients and families. We have examined who we serve, what services they require, and who is best-suited to deliver those services. The outcome is that our organization will grow and it will be better suited to meet the needs of our clients and all times that they are in our care.

The Royal’s workforce has always included a broad range of professionals and will continue to. As part of this evolution, the mix of skills that make up our inter-professional teams will change to better align with our clients’ needs – some professional groups will grow in numbers and some will decline. However, because of new positions as well as early retirement and voluntary exit options that will be offered to staff during this process, we anticipate that there will be positions available for everyone who wants to remain working at The Royal. 

We at The Royal are passionately dedicated to providing excellent care for our clients and their families with the right mix of professionals to meet their diverse needs.