Life Running You Down? Have a Bounce Back Strategy

Stress in small doses can drive us forward but unrelenting stress can lead to burnout—a state of total physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion.

Someone who is burnt out has lost the energy and drive to keep going, they feel like what they do is meaningless or a waste of time, and they become detached from things they were once passionate about.

Burnout isn’t necessarily about how busy you are—overwhelming demands, unrealistic expectations, and boredom are all things that can lead to burnout.

So what can you do to bounce back from stress and avoid burnout?

  • Embrace your network—share your challenges with the people close to you and be open to receiving help
  • Take the word ‘should’ out of your vocabulary—stop measuring yourself against others
  • Get comfortable saying ‘no’—you don’t have to ‘do it all’
  • Give yourself a time out—rediscover the things that bring you joy; take this time for yourself even if it means asking for help to be able to do so
  • Engage your body, mind, and spirit—Activities like meditation, yoga, music, and aromatherapy can calm you and lift your mood
  • Get the basics right—Eat healthy, sleep regularly, cut back on alcohol and other substances
  • Get a mental health checkup—Talk to your family doctor if you don’t feel like yourself

Stop negative self-talk. Remind yourself that you are AWESOME. (Really. You are.)