Tips for your mental health toolbox

We asked some of our experts to send us tips and advice for World Mental Health Day (October 10). Here’s what they shared:

“Gratitude is a great way to support our wellbeing. By exercising gratitude, we help to nurture it within us. Each day, take a moment to reflect on the things you appreciate, no matter how small they are. Write them down and take a moment to really feel the gratitude in your body.” – Guillaume Tremblay, lead nurse practitioner at the Brockville Mental Health Centre

Aristotle said: “Humans are social animals and therefore naturally seek the companionship of others for their own well being.” As we age, it’s important to continue to develop and keep our social connections. Being social is inherently intrinsic to the human condition. The benefits of being social can include an increase in self-esteem and self worth, a healthy sense of identity, and lower rates of anxiety and depression. – Greg Stenman, recreation therapist in the Geriatric Psychiatry Program

“Living with mental illness can be a blessing in disguise. Through our lived experiences, we can hold an understanding of the world around us that is as beautiful as it is unique.” – Abbey Van Der Kloet, peer support specialist at the Brockville Mental Health Centre

“Sometimes we become frustrated with ourselves when we recognize areas to improve, but aren’t quite achieving the actionable steps – take heart! The very recognition of areas where change can happen is a sign of growth, and has been cultivated from you putting the work into knowing yourself better!” - KJ Thomas, social worker in Women’s Mental Health 

“Try the 5-10 minute rule. If committing to a certain activity feels daunting, try doing the activity for 5 or 10 minutes and then re-evaluate. Sometimes getting over the initial hump is the most challenging part. But if you have reached your maximum capacity you have already given yourself permission to end there. Remember to commend yourself for your efforts!” – Kathy Sager, recreation therapist in the Integrated Schizophrenia Recovery Program

Clients in The Royal’s Integrated Schizophrenia Recovery Program submitted some great mental health tips and advice as well: 

  • Never give up.

  • Your luck can improve when you don’t expect it.

  • Remember you were in this dark place before and felt like you would never get through it? Well guess what?!?! You did!! Who’s to say that you won’t be able to overcome it again?

  • Give yourself credit, you have come a long way. Never doubt your self-worth because there are better days ahead.

  • Try. Don’t aim for perfection or even completion because life is always a work in progress.

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