RBC Bluesfest Be In The Band program proves music can be therapeutic for youth

Emotions and experiences are sometimes difficult to express. Having a creative outlet can make a big difference in the lives of teens dealing with mental health issues.

Music is one of these outlets for many teens. It’s a way to express emotions; it encompasses writing, learning new skills, gaining self-confidence, and building supportive friendships.

We’ve seen the positive effects of music firsthand in the RBC Bluesfest Be in the Band program at The Royal. The program offers young people affected by mental illness the chance to live the dream of performing on stage.

On July 16, they put on an incredible performance on the RBC Bluesfest stage. After weeks upon weeks of rehearsing, three bands (Water Colours, Twisted Melody, and Sloth Pit) played their original songs for the RBC Bluesfest Sunday crowd.

Watercolours Band Performing at RBC Bluesfest
Twisted Melody Performing at RBC Bluesfest
Twisted Melody
Sloth Pit Performing at RBC Bluesfest
Sloth Pit