The Royal Mental Hygiene Challenge Kicks Off March 1

The Royal challenges Ottawa to build new skills that help each individual to care for and improve their mental health

This March, The Royal are inviting the greater Ottawa community to join The Royal’s inaugural Mental Hygiene Challenge. The Royal Mental Hygiene Challenge encourages individuals to take ten minutes every day throughout the month of March to engage in simple, research-based activities to boost their mental health. 

“In Canada, one in five people experience a mental health and/or substance use health need in their lifetime, but the pandemic has exacerbated the worsening state of our collective health. We have all been affected by the stress and anxiety of living through a global crisis for two years,” Joanne Bezzubetz, president and chief executive officer of The Royal, said. “The goal of the challenge is to introduce research-based practices that help our community members maintain good mental health. By considering your mental health as you might your dental or physical health, we can take the preventative measures that build resiliency and the fortitude to weather the challenges of today and tomorrow.” 

Mental hygiene is a form of preventive maintenance that can be likened to other hygienic practices. Through the plasticity of the brain, mental training activities can foster healthy cognitive patterns that are conducive to well-being. 

“There’s something to be said for not just waiting around for the bad days to come,” Guillaume Tremblay, nurse practitioner at the Brockville Mental Health Centre (BMHC), said. “We need a shift of view on mental health in terms of how to empower ourselves.”

Tremblay, with the support of his colleagues Nicole Rodrigues and Dr. Sanjiv Gulati, made the case for a mental hygiene framework in their recently published paper, Mental Hygiene: What It Is, Implications, and Future Directions. In this paper, the research team advocates for routine engagement in healthy mental hygiene, just like one does for their dental health.  

We need a shift of view on mental health in terms of how to empower ourselves.

The Royal Mental Hygiene Challenge is designed to build habits and skills that boost mental wellness at a time when mental health resources are needed the most. 

Throughout the month of March, The Royal will share tips, resources, and information about mental hygiene and mental health on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Challenge participants are encouraged to engage with the campaign by incorporating mental hygiene practices into their daily routines for 31 days and share their experience on social media using the hashtag, #MentalHygieneChallenge. 

Registrants who complete the challenge are eligible for prizes from locally-owned businesses in Ottawa and Brockville, with shipping options. 


Registration is now open at There is no cost to participate. Registrants will receive a list of mental hygiene practices that are recommended by mental health experts at The Royal, a free digital calendar to track progress, links to helpful resources and how-to videos, and an invitation to a virtual launch event on February 28 at 7 p.m. 

For any questions or media inquiries, please contact:

Michaela Berniquez, Communications Coordinator