What Transforming Care at The Royal means to you

The Royal is upgrading our Electronic Health Record (EHR) technology to better support your mental health care.

The EHR provides your care team with consistent access to all the documents and information that they need in order to provide the best possible care based on proven best practices. What does this mean for clients and families?

Afshin Shayanpour, a member of the Client Advisory Council at The Royal, shares his thoughts:
Coming June 11, 2019, the new Electronic Health Record (EHR) system will bring exciting new changes to The Royal.

I have had the opportunity to be part of the team that is guiding this change and to bring our perspective as clients to this initiative.

I would like to share the reasons why we are implementing this new system and how it will ensure better care for us, the clients of The Royal. Greater safety, accuracy, standardization, and efficiency are some of the improvements that the new EHR will bring to provide us with excellent care. The new EHR will support the use of evidence based practices. This means that no matter which mental health hospital you visit in Ontario, your treatment will be the same. This is what we mean by standardized care. Your medication will also be entered into the EHR, ensuring that all care providers see your medication list and are aware of interactions.

As we bring in this system, we ask that you remember that change comes with adjustments for staff, clients and families. For a period of time, you may notice that your care provider will be paying more attention to their computer than before. This is because they will be entering notes directly into the system and referring to your plan of care as well. But, in time, this will be of benefit to you as these notes are recorded for future care providers, meaning that you will not need to repeat your story as often as before.

Your records will continue to be safe and your privacy is, as always, a priority. As clients, I hope we can all be patient and understanding as staff adjust to the new system. Be confident that these changes will bring about greater safety for you, which includes standardized, evidence-based therapy. If you have any questions, ask your care provider.

Afshin Shayanpour
The Royal
Client Advisory Council
Transforming Care Adviser

Why are we upgrading the Electronic Health Record?

What Can I Expect As The New System Is Implemented?

How Does This Impact My Medication Management?

How does it link with other specialized mental health hospitals?