We asked a few of the student researchers at The Royal to share some of their own self care tips and here’s what they said:
Young researchers at The Royal share their self care tips

We asked a few of the student researchers at The Royal to share some of their own self care tips and here’s what they said:
I'm interested in how changes in our gut microbes can affect our brain and mental health. My research looks at different factors that influence this relationship such as diet and early life stress in both healthy individuals and those with generalized anxiety and/or depression.
Integrating many types of self-care into my life has given me control over my recovery, as I'm a student who both studies and lives with mental illness. Keeping the promises I make with myself, and having self-compassion when I can't, helps me stay grounded; some of my commitments include taking supplements, being active, daily meditation, journaling, and showing up to my breathwork circle regardless of how busy I get. It's also really important that I feel connected to my environment whether by being in nature, eating vegetables I grew in my garden, or spending time with friends and family.
I am developing a model to understand how emotional stress differs from traditional physical stressors. This is to provide insight as to how emotional stress alters anxiety-like behaviours and what brain areas are associated with it.
I like to take some time to enjoy activities that I once did when I was a kid like arts and crafts, going out in nature and reading books. It helps me stay creative and be the best person I can be for myself and my loved ones.
I am interested in studying the effects of medications on the brain, and how we can predict if someone will get better after receiving certain medications. I am also interested in studying how different parts of the brain, and different neurochemicals, contribute to the development of schizophrenia.
After a long day at work I like to get active by going for a run or lifting weights. Getting active helps me reset and get ready for the next day!