Schizophrenia Recovery Program

The Royal’s Integrated Schizophrenia Recovery Program provides specialized services to adults (18 to 64) living with complex mental illnesses that are beyond the scope of a family physician or local hospital. While these illnesses may be more difficult to treat and require a higher level of support, the emphasis at The Royal is on recovery. Although every client’s objectives are unique, our goal is to help clients get back to their communities so they can live a safe and happy life.
Depending upon each client’s needs, the Integrated Schizophrenia Recovery Program offers different types of care. Please note, a referral is required to access these services. Ask your family physician to submit a client referral form.
Note to referring physicians and nurse practitioners: Referrals to The Royal’s Integrated Schizophrenia Recovery Program can be submitted electronically directly from your EMR if you have been set up with Ocean eReferral. Ocean eReferral is a regional program that offers an integrated solution at no cost for all primary care providers in Champlain with compatible EMRs (Telus PSS, QHR Accuro, and certain versions of OSCAR). Once set up, referrals can be initiated directly from the patient's chart in your EMR, launching the appropriate electronic referral form and automatically populating it with much of the appropriate information for the patient and referring clinician. For more information about eReferral, please email:
The Royal's Schizophrenia Outpatient Program offers individualized treatment, support, education, regular evaluation of a client’s progress and referrals to community services. Staff also helps individuals and their families deal with crisis situations if they arise.
Clients may be admitted to the program if their needs cannot be met by the Acute Care Inpatient Unit or in a Community Care setting.
For the safety of both staff and clients, individuals requesting outpatient services are expected to have been stabilized with the help of a family physician or at a local hospital.
A care plan for a client in the Schizophrenia Outpatient Program at The Royal may include:
The treatment team at the Schizophrenia Inpatient Program at The Royal provides a range of specialized assessment, treatment, and care for adults who are experiencing acute symptoms related to schizophrenia and require intensive and prolonged care.
The inpatient unit consists of 46 beds, including two beds for clients from Nunavut. A referral form a family physician is required.
Clients may be admitted to The Royal’s inpatient program if they haven’t responded to medication or their needs cannot be met by the Acute Care Inpatient Unit or Outpatient/Community Care setting.
A need for multidisciplinary care must be demonstrated.
Consultation is available to individuals with schizophrenia or suspected schizophrenia. A referral from a family physician is required. The main purpose of consultation is:
Note: Expedited entry into the Outpatient Program will be considered for clients outside the LHIN who are moving to the area and require immediate follow-up.
Recovery Inpatient Service is one aspect of the specialized care available for adults with schizophrenia at The Royal. There are 24 beds available for clients needing this service. A referral from a family physician is required.
Clients recommended for this program are not able to function in the community. This is demonstrated by a lack of meaningful activity and an inability to take care of themselves or live in the community with minimal support.
Client goals might include:
The Recovery Day Program is a Monday-to-Friday program tailored to help individuals reach their recovery goals, lead fuller and more satisfying lives, develop a social network, and make better use of community resources.
Our goal is to help clients establish goals that will enable them to live successfully in the community as independently as possible. The discharge plan may include follow up with Assertive Community Treatment teams (ACT), Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), or outpatient/day program services or a recovery team.
People with serious and complex mental illness – such as schizophrenia – often face challenges that significantly affect their ability to function in the community. The inpatient apartment at The Royal is used for functional assessments, life skills teaching, and readiness for independent living.
Research activities increase our understanding of the nature of schizophrenia and lead to better help for patients. Research is conducted through The Royal's Institute of Mental Health Research (IMHR), affiliated with the University of Ottawa.
Current and past research areas include focus on:
For opportunities to participate in research activities, please contact the Schizophrenia Research Unit of the IMHR at +1 (613) 722-6521, ext. 6844 or check out the Research section of this website.
Family support is an important part of the recovery process. The Royal’s Patient and Family Resource Centre contains books, brochures and other sources of information that provide a better understanding of mental illnesses and how to manage them. Regular family information sessions about major mental illnesses are easily accessible during evening hours and are open to the public.
See the Family Information and Support Groups page for more information about the services available for families at The Royal.