Mental Health and Addictions Resource Libraries

We are proud to have resource libraries on-site at both our Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre and Brockville Mental Health Centre. The libraries are open to our clients and families, or anyone who is looking for information about mental health and substance use. Our goal is to help people better understand mental illness and substance use challenges, and how to manage them.


The library is located on the second floor (across from the elevators) and is open Monday to Friday. 

Books may be borrowed for a two-week period. 

The collection of material grows continually as we acquire additional publications and new information becomes available.

Need help? Ask our librarians! They are available to assist you in finding the information you need


The purpose of the Brockville Mental Health and Addictions Resource Centre (MHARC) is to provide access to information about mental illnesses and addictions. The resource centre contains books, videos, pamphlets, newsletters as well as Internet resources.

The overall goal is to help people understand mental illnesses and addictions, and how to manage them.

Generously funded by the Royal Ottawa Foundation for Mental Health, the resource centre is open to anyone seeking information about mental health or addictions.


Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre
1145 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, ON
K1Z 7K4
Office Hours
Monday to Friday
8 AM to 12 PM and 1 to 4 PM


Brockville Mental Health Centre
1804 Highway 2 East
Brockville, ON K6V 5W7

The Mental Health and Resource Library is located in the River Café on the second floor of the Forensic Treatment Unit.
Office Hours
Monday to Friday from 12 PM to 1 PM