Access Request to Personal Health Information

Past and present clients of The Royal have a right to access their personal health information at any time during or after their care.
Download the request form in PDF format here.
A request form can also be obtained through the Health Records office via mail, email, or picked up in person. Once completed, the form can be mailed or dropped off at one of the addresses below:
A fee of $30 applies if the file is 20 pages or less. Records that are over 20 pages will cost an additional $0.25 per page.
Please contact the Health Records office if there are barriers to payment.
Often referred to as simply “health records,” your file will contain information about the treatment/care you received from The Royal (such as diagnosis and treatment notes from various members of your treatment team, information about medications, plans for discharge, etc.). Your personal health information is protected by privacy laws. To learn more about personal health information visit this page.
The Health Records office is required to respond to the request within 30 days from the date of receipt, or to a maximum of 60 days from the date of the receipt if an extension is required. You will be notified if extended time is required, as well as reasons for the extension.
If you are – or were – an outpatient, you can review your file in person at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre Health Records office at 1145 Carling Ave., or if you were at the Brockville Mental Health Centre Health Records, 1804 Hwy 2 East, Brockville. Call or email either office to make an appointment. There is no fee to review your file in person.
If you have questions about accessing your personal health information, please call +1 (613) 722-6521 ext. 6338 or ext. 6315 or email
All other requests can be faxed to +1 (613) 761-3600 or mailed to the addresses above.
For more information about your health privacy rights in Ontario, please see