Refer a Patient

The Royal is a specialized mental health centre that provides care for people with complex and difficult-to-treat mental illness and/or substance use issues.
Most programs at The Royal require a referral from a primary care provider.
Primary care providers MUST complete this central intake referral form to refer patients who require the following service and/or setting of care:
Outpatient services |
Inpatient services |
• Mood/Anxiety • Schizophrenia • Forensics – General • Forensics – Sexual Behaviours Clinic • Dual Diagnosis* |
• Mood/Anxiety** • Schizophrenia** • Youth** • Substance use/Concurrent disorders • Recovery – Integrated Schizophrenia Program |
* If you are referring your patient to the Dual Diagnosis program, please provide all psychological assessment records if available.
** Referrals to the inpatient Mood/Anxiety, Schizophrenia, and Youth Programs will only be considered if they are transfers from other hospital inpatient units. We do not accept inpatient referrals for these programs from primary care physicians.
Other programs/conditions have their own referral forms. See below for all programs available at The Royal and the detailed inclusion criteria for each one.
Important: The Royal does not provide emergency services. If your patient is in immediate danger or too ill to wait for assessment, contact a psychiatric crisis service, hospital emergency room, or the Mental Health Helpline at +1-866-531-2600.
The Royal’s Community Mental Health Program offers a variety of community based treatments and supports for people living with mental illness. Please visit the Community Mental Health Program page for information about each service and how to make a referral.
People referred to for dual diagnosis services at The Royal [Regional Dual Diagnosis Consultation Team, Flexible Assertive Community Treatment Team for Persons Dually Diagnosed (FACTT-DD)] must meet the following inclusion criteria:
Adult (18 years+) Must have a mental illness AND
Note to referring physicians and nurse practitioners: Referrals to The Royal’s Dual Diagnosis Program can be submitted electronically directly from your EMR if you have been set up with Ocean eReferral. Ocean eReferral is a regional program that offers an integrated solution at no cost for all primary care providers in Champlain with compatible EMRs (Telus PSS, QHR Accuro, and certain versions of OSCAR). Once set up, referrals can be initiated directly from the patient's chart in your EMR, launching the appropriate electronic referral form and automatically populating it with much of the appropriate information for the patient and referring clinician. For more information about eReferral, please call +1-613-722-6521 ext. 6211.
Click here to submit a referral (note that fields within the form can be completed electronically, then the form can be printed and a patient label or addressograph attached before it is signed and faxed to The Royal at 613.798.2976). When referring to FACTT-DD, the referring person must also complete the Violence/Aggression Assessment Checklist.
If you require assistance submitting your referral, please call +1-613-722-6521 ext. 6211.
The Geriatric Outpatient service is a consultation service offering professional advice and psychiatric expertise to referring primary care physicians and psychiatrists. Referrals are required from family physicians to access the services of the Geriatric Psychiatry Program. Please call the Intake Secretary at +1-613-722-6521 ext. 6637. Patients who have been evaluated by a geriatric psychiatrist in a community clinic, long-term care home or a hospital, and may require an admission should contact the Geriatric Inpatient Program directly at +1-613-722-6521 ext. 6637.
Patients referred to the Mood and Anxiety Program at The Royal must meet the following inclusion criteria:
Referrals must be made by a physician or nurse practitioner (no self-referrals).
Note to referring physicians and nurse practitioners: Referrals to The Royal’s Mood and Anxiety Program can be submitted electronically directly from your EMR if you have been set up with Ocean eReferral. Ocean eReferral is a regional program that offers an integrated solution at no cost for all primary care providers in Champlain with compatible EMRs (Telus PSS, QHR Accuro, and certain versions of OSCAR). Once set up, referrals can be initiated directly from the patient's chart in your EMR, launching the appropriate electronic referral form and automatically populating it with much of the appropriate information for the patient and referring clinician. For more information about eReferral, please call +1-613-722-6521 ext. 6211.
Click here to submit a referral (note that fields within the form can be completed electronically, then the form can be printed and a patient label or addressograph attached before it is signed and faxed to The Royal at +1 (613) 798-2976). If referring for inpatient services, clinicians must also complete the Violence/Aggression Assessment Checklist.
If you require assistance submitting your referral, please call +1-613-722-6521 ext. 6211.
Please note that The Royal’s mood and anxiety program does not provide Independent Medical Evaluations (IME); court-ordered, CAS, or ODSP assessments; or formal workplace or insurance assessments.
To receive services at the The Royal’s Operational Stress Injury Clinic, Canadian Forces Veterans, Canadian Forces members and RCMP members require a referral. Veterans are asked to discuss a referral with their Veterans Affairs Canada case manager. People without case managers may call +1-866-522-2122 (English) or +1-866-522-2022 (French) to inquire about their eligibility. Those who are still serving should contact their Base Medical Officer. RCMP members should contact Health Care Services for a referral.
The Prompt Care Clinic is a psychiatric consultation service intended for individuals struggling with mild to moderate mental illness whose primary care provider requires diagnostic clarification or medication and treatment guidance.
Click here to submit a referral to the Prompt Care Clinic. All referrals must be submitted by a primary care provider (i.e. family doctor or nurse practitioner).
Before submitting a referral, consider the following:
Patients referred to the Recovery Program at The Royal must meet the following inclusion criteria:
Click here to submit a referral (note that fields within the form can be completed electronically, then the form can be printed and a patient label or addressograph attached before it is signed and faxed to The Royal at 613.798.2976). If referring for inpatient services, clinicians must also complete the Violence/Aggression Assessment Checklist.
If you require assistance submitting your referral, please call +1-613-722-6521 ext. 6211.
Note to referring physicians and nurse practitioners: Referrals to The Royal’s Forensic Mental Health Program can be submitted electronically directly from your EMR if you have been set up with Ocean eReferral. Ocean eReferral is a regional program that offers an integrated solution at no cost for all primary care providers in Champlain with compatible EMRs (Telus PSS, QHR Accuro, and certain versions of OSCAR). Once set up, referrals can be initiated directly from the patient's chart in your EMR, launching the appropriate electronic referral form and automatically populating it with much of the appropriate information for the patient and referring clinician. For more information about eReferral, please call +1-613-722-6521 ext. 6211.
Click here to submit a referral (note that fields within the form can be completed electronically, then the form can be printed and a patient label or addressograph attached before it is signed and faxed to The Royal at +1-613-798-2976) for the Anger Disorders Clinic, Sexual Behaviours Clinic, and general forensic services under The Royal’s Regional Forensic Mental Health Programs. If referring for inpatient services, clinicians must also complete the Violence/Aggression Assessment Checklist.
For people under the jurisdiction of the Ontario Review Board or referred by the court system, please contact our Regional Forensic Coordinator at +1-613-722-6521 ext. 6364.
NEW: The Royal has streamlined its e-referral form to improve the speed and efficiency with which referrals are triaged. All referrals to the Anger Disorders Clinic, Sexual Behaviours Clinic, and general forensic services under The Royal’s Regional Forensic Mental Health Programs must now be submitted online. If you have trouble using the form, please call +1-613-722-6521 ext. 6211.
Patients referred to the schizophrenia program at The Royal must meet the following inclusion criteria:
Clinical needs are defined as:
Note to referring physicians and nurse practitioners: Referrals to The Royal’s Integrated Schizophrenia Recovery Program can be submitted electronically directly from your EMR if you have been set up with Ocean eReferral. Ocean eReferral is a regional program that offers an integrated solution at no cost for all primary care providers in Champlain with compatible EMRs (Telus PSS, QHR Accuro, and certain versions of OSCAR). Once set up, referrals can be initiated directly from the patient's chart in your EMR, launching the appropriate electronic referral form and automatically populating it with much of the appropriate information for the patient and referring clinician. For more information about eReferral, please call +1-613-722-6521 ext. 6211.
Click here to submit a referral (note that fields within the form can be completed electronically, then the form can be printed and a patient label or addressograph attached before it is signed and faxed to The Royal at 613.798.2976). If referring for inpatient services, clinicians must also complete the Violence/Aggression Assessment Checklist.
If you require assistance submitting your referral, please call +1-613-722-6521 ext. 6211.
Ontario’s Increasing Access to Structured Psychotherapy (IASP) program provides free, short-term, face-to-face Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for adults experiencing depression, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and/or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
IASP offers evidence-based psychotherapy – specifically CBT – that is proven to bring about positive change for clients by teaching practical skills and strategies to manage mental health issues.
CBT is a structured, time-limited therapy that is problem-focused and goal-oriented. CBT looks at how thoughts, emotions, and behaviours are related. With this understanding, clients can change how they react to troubling thoughts or situations. CBT helps clients develop personal coping tools and techniques that promote their strengths, enhance recovery and improve quality of life.
Clients will work with their IASP therapists for approximately 12 sessions, depending on the issue that the client and therapist agree to address. Clients and therapists may meet in-person or via telemedicine - the format will be based on the client’s needs and location.
This program is suitable for adults (18+) who are experiencing the following mental health problems:
Clients must be willing to attend weekly or bi-weekly therapeutic sessions and be able to actively participate in CBT.
Clients must be referred by a physician or nurse practitioner by completing and submitting the referral form.
Questions about the referral process can be directed to the IASP intake team at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre: +1-877-527-8207.
IASP for the Eastern Ontario region is led by The Royal and delivered in collaboration with:
All therapists in this program are members of appropriate regulated health professions (i.e. social workers, nurses, psychologists, etc.) who have undertaken intensive CBT training and are dedicated to helping clients live their best lives. They are trained and supervised directly by PhD Clinical Psychologists with expertise in CBT.
IASP is funded by the Government of Ontario.
The Royal's Sleep Clinic services are obtained through referral from a primary care physician, often a family doctor. Click here for the referral form or phone referrers should call +1-613-722-6521 ext. 6248.
There are numerous ways to access the services at the Substance Use and Concurrent Disorders Program at The Royal.
Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic
Clinicians and emergency departments referring patients to the Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic for alcohol and/or opioid use should: submit this referral form, and provide the patient with our Patient Information Sheet provided to your hospital or clinic.
Referral forms can be faxed to +1-613-715-5802.
Individuals seeking care for alcohol and/or opioid use can connect with our Digital Front Door in the Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic at or by calling +1-613-722-6521 ext 6508.
Substance Use & Concurrent Disorders Department
Individuals seeking care for other substances of use, can self-refer by contacting the program directly at +1-613-722-6521 ext 6508.
Those seeking treatment for opioid use should call +1-613-722-6521 ext. 6224.
Individuals are also welcome to reach out to AccessMHA for support with navigating services for their mental health, substance use health, and/or addictions concerns.
If you are a physician, nurse practitioner, or psychologist, you can help your patient access our services by completing this referral form or referrals can be submitted electronically directly from your EMR if you have been set up with Ocean eReferral.
Ocean eReferral is a regional program that offers an integrated solution at no cost for all primary care providers in Champlain with compatible EMRs (Telus PSS, QHR Accuro, and certain versions of OSCAR). Once set up, referrals can be initiated directly from the patient's chart in your EMR, launching the appropriate electronic referral form and automatically populating it with much of the appropriate information for the patient and referring clinician. For more information about eReferral, please call +1-613-722-6521 ext. 6211.
If you are a physician or nurse practitioner and would like to consult with one of our clinicians, please call +1-613-722-6521 ext. 6508, or fax your clinical question to +1-613-715-5802.
Please call +1-613-722-6521 ext. 6508 if you need additional information.
Physicians wishing to make a referral must contact the CHEO/The Royal centralized intake for children and youth at +1-613-737-2496.