Obtaining Your Results
If you live in Ontario:
To get your results for a COVID-19 test please go to covid-19.ontario.ca
- Click on ‘Check your lab results’
- Read and accept the terms and conditions
- You will need your valid health card information to fill out the form
- Click on ‘verify patient’
- Results will appear if your COVID-19 test has been processed. If they do not appear, please check back at a later time/date.
If you live in Quebec:
The staff at The Royal Testing Clinic will provide the results to those that have been tested that have a Quebec address.
What to do while you await your COVID-19 test results:
- If you are a staff/physician/learner/volunteer at The Royal AND
- You do not have any symptoms AND
- You have not recently returned from international travel within the last 14 days AND
- You have not been identified as a high risk close contact to a confirmed COVID + person by Public Health or Occupational Health
Then, you may be eligible for work-self isolation. Please follow the decision matrix for next steps.
- If you are a staff/physician/learner/volunteer at The Royal AND
- You have symptoms consistent with COVID-19 OR
- You have returned from international travel within the last 14 days OR
- You have been identified as a high risk close contact to a confirmed COVID+ person by Public Health or Occupational Health
- If you are a household member of a staff/physician/learner/volunteer at The Royal
Then please follow the Ottawa Public Health document found here.
If you have been instructed to self-isolate, please follow the Public Health Ontario directions here.
If you have been instructed to self-monitor, please follow the Public Health Ontario directions here.
Take Care of Your Mental Health, Too!
The COVID-19 pandemic is new and unexpected. This situation can be unsettling, and everyone will experience these events in their own way. It is completely natural to feel sad, stressed, confused, or worried in times of uncertainty. Make sure to care for your mental health and to ask for help if you feel overwhelmed.
- If you need support, please connect with the Mental Health Crisis Line (24 hours a day/ 7 days a week) at +1 (613) 722-6914 or if outside Ottawa toll-free at +1 (866) 996-0991.
- For online mental health resources and additional information please visit Ottawa Public Health’s (OPH) website at OttawaPublicHealth.ca/CovidMentalHealth
Class Section 22 – What Does it Mean for Me?
The "class order" directs people to stay home and self-isolate until they are not contagious (able to spread the infection to others).
The purpose is to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and protect the health of everyone in Ottawa. The goal of this order is to provide authority to gather information in situations that may lead to COVID-19 spread and, in the rare occasions, to hold individuals responsible who are unreasonably ignoring the Public Health guidance and knowingly putting others at risk.
A person who knowingly ignores this class order to self-isolate can be charged and fined up to $5,000 per day and Police may be called upon to assist.
The class order is directed to:
- People with symptoms of COVID-19.
- People who tested positive for COVID-19.
- People in recent close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19. This includes caregivers and household members.
The class order does not apply to:
- People who do not meet the criteria above but are still getting tested.
More About COVID-19
For more information on COVID-19 in Ottawa, including the latest up-to-date information.
Download COVID Alert today to stop the spread and stay aware.