Supporting families at The Royal

FAC is looking for members to bring new perspectives and experience to the group. More members means more capacity, greater involvement in committees and policy work at The Royal than ever before, ultimately resulting in better care and recovery for loved ones. More information about FAC is available at
It is often said that while all changes do not lead to improvement, all improvement requires change. Here at The Royal, we’re making sure change happens with the input of our stakeholders.
The voice of families at The Royal. Transforming lives through family partnership in care, policy, programs and research.
Founded in 2006, the purpose of the Family Advisory Council (FAC) is to provide a family perspective on policies and practices at The Royal and support a progressive client- and family-centred approach to mental health care and research.
FAC is working hard to raise awareness and share their mandate with staff, clients and families, and to the broader health community.
If you want more information and would like to get involved with the Family Advisory Council, please email