Client and Family Resource Hub

The Client and Family Resource Hub is a welcoming space located at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre. Staffed by helpful and knowledgeable volunteers, it’s a “one-stop-shop” for clients, their family members, caregivers, and trusted others. The Client and Family Resource Hub is located in room 1113 near the main reception area. (Operating hours are typically Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 10 a.m.–4 p.m.; Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 a.m.­­–7 p.m. but are subject to change.) Drop by if you have questions about the services, programs, and resources at The Royal and in the wider community. Free access to computers and Wi-Fi is also available.

This page is an online companion to The Hub. Here’s where you will find information about: 

If you have a question and can’t find the answer here, send an email to Someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

Navigating The Royal

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How to get help

If your mental health and/or substance use needs are a medical emergency, or if there is a concern you might hurt yourself or someone else, call 911 or go to your nearest hospital emergency department. 

  • If you or someone you know is in crisis or needs emotional support, these crisis and distress lines can help.
  • AccessMHA ( is a web-based service that provides a single point of entry to eastern Ontario’s system of care for people need support with mental health and substance use issues.
  • The Rapid Access Addiction Medicine (RAAM) Clinic is a digital walk-in clinic for individuals seeking support for substance use. Go to during clinic hours to connect with the RAAM team.

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Helpful resources

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Peer support

Peer support is a supportive relationship between people who have lived experience in common. Peer support specialists at The Royal are in a unique position to offer support and guidance to clients and families. Thanks to their own experiences, peer support specialists meet with clients and/or family members as equals, validate lived experiences, provide support for concerns, and inspire a hopeful future for those living with mental health and substance use challenges and their families. While peer support specialists are not clinicians, they offer confidential, personalized support tailored to the needs and circumstances of clients and their families.  Click here for more information about peer support or contact

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Sharing feedback

The Royal is dedicated to continuously enhancing our services and providing the best possible care. Your feedback plays a crucial role in this journey! 

We value your opinions and want to hear from you. Your insights, experiences, and suggestions are important. Whether you've had an exceptional encounter, or see room for improvement, please let us know. Click here to explore the ways you can connect with us

Thank you for being part of our mission to provide exceptional care for our clients and families.  

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Getting involved 

There are many reasons why people choose to get involved with The Royal, and many opportunities to do so!  

Volunteering provides a unique opportunity to get involved, give back, and develop new skills. With over 470 volunteers who dedicate their time, skills and talents in a wide variety of ways, our volunteers contribute to building our community both inside and outside of the walls of our facilities. 

Click here for current volunteer opportunities. 

You can also consider:

Client Advisory Council image of sunrise with waves
Joining the Client Advisory Council (CAC) – The CAC is an advisory and advocacy council representing clients of The Royal. CAC members are clients with lived experience who have received care from different programs at The Royal. Read more about the Client Advisory Council here.
Family Advisory Council three people icon
Joining the Family Advisory Council (FAC) – The FAC is the voice of families at The Royal, transforming lives through family partnership in care, policy, programs and research. We are family and/or friends supporting loved ones through their mental health journey, either through care from The Royal or elsewhere. Read more about the Family Advisory Council here

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Participating in research

In order for our researchers to better understand mental health, it is critical for them to work closely with the people who are living with it. Research conducted at the University of Ottawa Institute of Mental Health Research (IMHR) at The Royal depends on volunteers from our community, who become important partners in clinical studies.

These studies help bring researchers closer to unlocking the mysteries of the human brain, which can lead to new and effective ways to prevent, detect, identify, manage and treat mental health conditions and substance use disorders.

Help us to improve mental health care at The Royal and around the world! Learn more about clinical research at The Royal on this page

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Women at a computer

Sign up for My Health, My Way, an online tool that gives you easy and secure access to information about your mental health care at The Royal. 

For more information, to sign up, or log in to your account. 


Do you have a compliment, concern, or suggestion about care or services at The Royal?

Fill out the client and family feedback form or speak directly to the staff providing your care. 


Woman smiling

Help us transform mental health care: Participate in research

Join our mailing list

Join our mailing list

to stay up-to-date on information and events from The Royal, relevant to clients, family members, and caregivers. 

Contact us

Client & Family Resource Hub
First floor, room 1113
1145 Carling Avenue
Ottawa ON K1Z 7K4
Office Hours
Operating hours are typically Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 10 a.m.–4 p.m.; Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 a.m.­­–7 p.m. but are subject to change.